
What is yoga? 

Such a tough question! If Sage Patanjali and Lord Krishna could not agree on a definition, how can we mere mortals?

According to Patanjali, yoga is samadhi – as it is defined on the yoga sutras:

I.2 yogaścitta vṛtti nirodhaḥ

This sutra is translated as “Complete mastery over the roaming tendencies of the mind is Yoga” by Pandit Rajmani Tigunait, PhD on his The Secret of the Yoga SutraMy teacher, Gregor Maehle, translated as “Yoga is the suspension of the fluctuations of the mind.” on his Ashtanga Yoga, Practice and Philosophy.

I have observed that the definition of yoga and the experience of yoga can be very different. The definition will not change whilst our experience of it, most likely will. For me, it has always been about the mind – even before I had heard about Patanjali. I still remember the ecstatic feeling at the end of my first ever class.

What is aṣṭāṅga yoga?

Ashtanga yoga is Patanjali‘s yoga and it translates as “eight limbs yoga”. What are those limbs? 

II.28 yogāṅgānuṣṭhānād aśuddhikṣaye jñānadīptirāviveka khyāteḥ

“The practice of the limbs of yoga destroys impurities; thereafter, knowledge continues to brighten all the way to viveka khyati , the domain of unshakeable discernment.” – Pandit Rajmani Tigunait

“From practising the various limbs of yoga the impurities are removed, uncovering the light of knowledge and
discernment.” – Gregor Maehle

II.29 yama niyamāsana prāṇāyāma pratyāhāra dhāraṇā dhyāna samādhayo’ṣṭāvaṅgāni

“Restraint, observance, physical posture, mastery of the pranic force, recalling the senses, concentration, meditation, and spiritual absorption are the eight components of yoga.” – Pandit Rajmani Tigunait

“Restraints, observances, postures, control of the inner breath, sense withdrawal, concentration, meditation
and samadhi are the eight limbs.” – Gregor Maehle

From these definitions of yoga and its limbs, we see that yoga is a way of being.

Our modern life is so much about doing and for many this is the start of the journey into yoga! The practice of yoga leads us from doing to being

If you have reached this website is probably because you are interested in practicing yoga!

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